Stichting Poezensnuitjes Doel van de maand
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Stichting Poezensnuitjes

Stichting Poezensnuitjes is een huiskameropvang die hulp biedt aan zwerfkatten en kittens in nood. Hulpbehoevende... lees meer >

Mr.Prathipati Paul Raju Doel details

Mr.Prathipati Paul Raju

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: 1. Have Small Church, in that Teaching Word of God, Preaching Gospel 2. Prayer cells 3. Home Bible studies 4.Evangelism to individual and Groups and at large 5. Sports ministry 6. Prison Evangelism, 7. Tribal Gospel tours 8. Youth Retreats 9. Sunday School 10 Sunday School teachers Training 11.Reaching the Un reached,, Outreaches in villages and towns around. Preaching Gospel with Mega-Phone in Streets and Distributing Tracts, With Assembly Programs on- going12.Showing Mercy Upon Food Begging People by Giving Chacolats, Conducting Like Sunday School. Distributing Old Clothes (Collected) to Old and Needy..13. Help the Poor and Needy

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