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Stichting Poezensnuitjes
Stichting Poezensnuitjes is een huiskameropvang die hulp biedt aan zwerfkatten en kittens in nood. Hulpbehoevende... lees meer >
Stichting Poezensnuitjes is een huiskameropvang die hulp biedt aan zwerfkatten en kittens in nood. Hulpbehoevende... lees meer >
Shoppers voor dit doel hebben gedoneerd:
Carers Unite is a registered NPO run by Nicole Roberts, who aims to change the world one human at a time with your help. Our aim is to assist and empower the people in the community doing good that gets over looked because they don't have all the paper work needed. We assist good doers by raising awareness on our platform and providing them with our network and resources. We share our resources and network with people who share the same vision and who believes in community upliftment and sharing. We have created an activity book that helps underprivilege children to learn how to read and write, while providing them a meal and stationary with every pack distributed